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Bts grammy 2022

카테고리 없음

by asochunra 2022. 9. 3. 00:48


Watch BTS's Performance at the 2022 Grammys

Matel Teleiu. Bts grammy 2022 Grammys host continued, "You know, one thing I love about BTS is, they are, first of all, the nicest group of people you'll ever meet. MOVIE HOUSE 5. BTS fans reacted after Olivia Rodrigo shared a moment with V during the band's Grammys 2022 performance — read more. Jin Was Seated For Most of BTS's...

Watch BTS’s 2022 Grammys Performance

Fans of BTS are but not surprised as they had already made terms with the fact that Grammy Awards are not something that determines the success of BTS. The South Korean boy group has been doing really well internationally and is credited for bringing K-pop on the bts grammy 2022 map. With the boy group not taking an award home this time too, fans are claiming that they have still won, no matter what. Despite the snub, fans of BTS are also saying that BTS does not need a Grammy but the show needs BTS if they wish to continue to stay relevant. ARMYs who did not expect much from the show are talking about how BTS really is the most deserving music act and have been snubbed at the show another time. Fans of Bts grammy 2022 are pointing out that the Academy needs to do better as they are nominating groups and collaborations in the same category and BTS had lost to another collaboration for the second year in a row. 2 YEARS?! The biggest pop songs?! This...

Watch BTS's 2022 Grammys Performance of 'Butter'

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Image Source: — and the ARMYs — weren't most concerned about winning an award at the. It's their highly anticipated performance, which marked the first time BTS hit the Grammys stage in person for a performance of their own, that fans knew would go down in BTS and the Grammys' history books. The group fought long and hard to get to this point, and viewers could see their blood, sweat, and tears clearly in their epic performance. Just like RM promised on the red carpet ahead of the show, it was one unlike anything fans had seen from them before. The espionage-inspired performance of "Butter" started out with V taking on a super-spy persona and getting flirty with before Jungkook descended from the ceiling. The rest of the boys were spotlighted undercover at different tables throughout the venue. When they all finally converged on stage and bts grammy 2022 first chords of "Butter" rang out, they brought the house down. A dance break saw them jumping over and sliding under laser beams, then they did some coat acrobatics, and dozens...

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03.08.2022 호포제

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